PDF Newspaper CHANGELOG ------------------------------------ 2.6 (2019-07-15) - PHP 7 compatible (tested with PHP 7.3) - Full-Text RSS updated to version 3.9.5 - HTML Purifier updated to version 4.11.0 - SimplePie updated - Humble HTTP Agent updated - Minimum PHP version it will run on is now PHP 5.4 - Plus other minor fixes/improvements 2.5 (2014-02-04) - New: HTML output with editable content and print stylesheet (Firefox recommended for printing) - New: Output parameter to choose between PDF, HTML, and PDF for download - New: Text direction parameter (only for HTML output for the time being) - New: PDF Letter template for US users - New: Form field to specify start date (if feed items include dates) - New: Config option to set PDF filename - see $options->filename - New: Config option to enable/disable output caching - see $options->caching - New: Config option to for whitelisting/blacklisting hosts - see $options->allowed_hosts and $options->blocked_urls - Font subsetting disabled in PDF output to improve iOS and PDF.js rendering - PDF is no longer generated if there are no items to include (e.g. no articles published after start date) - Table showing available request parameters now shown in index.php - Full-Text RSS updated to version 3.1 - HTML Purifier updated to version 4.6.0 - SimplePie updated to version 1.3.1 - PHP Typography updated - Humble HTTP Agent updated - TCPDF fonts updated - TCPDF minor update (latest version not compatibile with our modifications) - Plus other minor fixes/improvements 2.4 (2011-11-19) - New A5 template - Full-Text RSS 2.7 now bundled - New config option: require_key - restrict access to those with password/key - New, easier to use form for creating PDFs - Autoloading of necessary files to improve performance - Humble HTTP Agent now used to improve performance - Auto-discovery of feeds disabled - to bring it in line with how users expect it to handle standard HTML pages - Now tries to parse content in following order: 1. feed 2. OPML 3. HTML - HTML Purifier updated - SimplePie updated - TCPDF updated - Plus other minor fixes/improvements 2.2 (2010-07-07) - Support for PHP 5.3 (thanks Murilo!) - Smaller PDF file sizes (thanks to TCPDF's font subsetting) - Improved vertical spacing between HTML elements - Libraries brought up to date - SmartyPants replaced with PHP Typography - New title font - Better image handling - Better page/column break handling - Basic support for plugins 1.0 (2009-06-29) - Initial release